West Highland Way Adventure Couples Session

couples photos glasgow west highland way scotland golden hour engagement session

Couples Session with bonus DOGGO in the Carbeth Hills, Glasgow

I’m a bit of an adventurer and love exploring new places (you say nosy – I say adventurer haha) so a few years ago a walking book took my husband and me to Carbeth for a jaunt. I’d never even heard of it but it was right outside Glasgow, only 12 miles from home! It’s right on the West Highland Way and home to the Carbeth Hutter’s Community! I was fascinated by all the huts, some homemade, some old, some new, all individually decorated. I’d encourage you to go for a wander yourself. It’s making me want a cabin in the woods SO bad!

So when we needed a location for a wee couples session, I knew I had to return here with our lovely couple.

Jade & Charles were the lucky winners of a competition we ran to win a couples session. And, bonus for us, they brought their awesome doggo Axel along for some fun and frolics too! Sunset is always a magical time for images and I’m sure you’ll agree the light and the landscape were on point for us on this evening. With a background of Dumgoyne and the Campsie Fells, it’s not hard for these images to look epic and romantic all at once. Thanks Scotland – yer a wee smasher!

We really enjoyed our time with the three of them. We hope you love the photos as much as we do. ♥

Sarah & Kristeen x

Couples Session Glasgow Carbeth Sunset Dog

Couples Session Glasgow Carbeth Sunset Laughing

Couples Session Glasgow Carbeth Sunset Dog Collie

Couples Session Glasgow Carbeth Sunset Dog Collie

Wouldn’t you love your very own Alternative Couples Photos? Yes, Yes you would. Get in touch to set yours up, you won’t regret it! 


Sarah of Joy Story dances in a gif, she is a fun wedding photographer glasgow

Fancy a chat?

The hit up the contact page and let’s get together. 

I’m not offended by doubts and concerns. Let’s talk it out and see what happens. 

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