Sunset Couples Shoot Glasgow with Bonus Doggo

couple standing hand in hand facing away from camera on grass path in field watching the sunset huge green oak tree on the left of photo sunset couples shoot glasgow fotomaki photography

Louise & Cammy’s Sunset Couples Shoot Glasgow with Labradoodle Ruud

couple standing hand in hand facing away from camera on grass path in field watching the sunset huge green oak tree on the left of photo sunset couples shoot glasgow fotomaki photography

“It was so lovely hanging out with you & thank you for taking us to such a lovely spot!!! We had such a great night! The photos are AMAZING!!! We will definitely be printing some.  I love the light, so glad we got an evening like that. Ruud looks very handsome in his pics too.”
– Louise & Cammy (& Ruud)

Oh, Ruud. What a handsome boy! I mean, Louise and Cammy aren’t bad either…but come on, we all know who the real star of the show is here! Ha! 

Seriously though, we couldn’t have wished for a more amazing evening for this pre-wedding shoot. Louise, Cammy, Ruud and I met up at Lang Craigs Wood, just west of Glasgow. With just a few weeks to go before their wedding, it was every bit as wonderful as you imagine. We decided it was the perfect chance to have a catch-up and get some fab photos of the three of them. 

Why have a pre-wedding shoot?

Pre-wedding shoots / engagement photography / couples session. Many names for the same thing – a professional shoot of the two of you ahead of your wedding day. 

Pre-wedding shoots are my secret weapon, the key to getting amazing wedding photographs. Why? Because I’ve got to know you a wee bit better, we’ve hung out, you’ve realised that I’m super fun and not at all scary and you’ve already seen how hot you both look in my photos. That means you can relax on your wedding day, let me do my thang, and know you’re going to get a set of incredible photos to look back on. 

I like to think of these shoots as mini-adventures. I love getting to know you both and then making a suggestion of where we should go and hang out. As soon as I started chatting to Louise and Cammy I knew that Lang Craigs Wood would be the perfect spot for them. This place has everything you need – a cool old building and bridge, cliffs, woodlands, a river…it’s basically a hiker’s (and dog’s) paradise. Ruud had the time of his life. It also gets the most epic sunsets, as you can see from the photos. September sunsets are just the best. 

Oh, and a top tip from Louise and Cammy. Make your pre-wedding session into a date day (or night). It’s the best opportunity to hang out together (ignore me and my camera!) and treat yourselves on the way home. Whether that’s a trip to your favourite pub, a visit to a swanky restaurant, or, as in Louise and Cammy’s case, a stop off at McDonalds on the way home!

So, to sum it up, book a couples shoot and throw caution to the wind. It might feel awkward to head out for photos together but trust me, it’ll be so worth it. You’ll get some fab photos and we’ll have a load of fun! 

Sarah x

man hugging partner from behind both with huge smiles sitting on tree trunk in grassfield sunset couples shoot glasgow fotomaki photography

couple looking lovingly into each others eyes as they face each other standing at gate opening on woodland path surrounded by tress and shrubbery with sun setting in background sunset couples shoot glasgow fotomaki photography coupe hugging and facing each other with big smiles as they stand on grass path surrounded by fields and green trees sunset couples shoot glasgow fotomaki photography dusky photo of couple hugging on last light man has his back to the camera and the woman is facing camera with huge smile green bushes and trees in background sunset couples shoot glasgow fotomaki photography couple with dog on lead hugging on grass path with fields in background and green trees and bushes at either side of the path sunset couples shoot glasgow fotomaki photography dusky sunset photo with silhouette of coupoe standing next to big tree holding hands and facing each other as the sun sets in background sunset couples shoot glasgow fotomaki photography

Lusting after some sun-soaked couple photos of your own? Go to Santorini! Haha, I’m kidding – come to me! Contact me to find out how I always have the weather on my side*

*not a guarantee

Sarah of Joy Story dances in a gif, she is a fun wedding photographer glasgow

Fancy a chat?

The hit up the contact page and let’s get together. 

I’m not offended by doubts and concerns. Let’s talk it out and see what happens. 

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